Using Construction Frameworks to Appoint Evolution5
Construction Frameworks
Construction Frameworks reduce procurement delays
What do you do when you need to appoint a reputable and reliable team to deliver professional construction services to your project?
If you work for a public contracting authority you will be required to follow either OJEU procurement legislation or the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 depending on the value of the contract you are seeking to award. This ensures appointments to your supply chain have been fairly advertised and were subject to a competitive tendering process. Whilst these processes are vitally important, as well as being a legislative requirement, there is no getting away from the fact that they can cause your projects significant delays.
This is where Construction Frameworks can come in to their own. If you are signed up to a Construction Framework you can access a list of pre-qualified suppliers and either, select a supplier who meets your requirements, or undertake a mini competition between two or more suppliers.
Evolution5 is pleased to have been successfully appointed to the following Construction Frameworks and Dynamic Purchasing Systems, enabling you to select and appoint us quickly and get your project moving forwards.
Evolution5 is an approved local supplier to Perfect Circle’s Built Environment Consultancy Services Framework. We can help you get your project moving using this Framework.
Perfect Circle is supported by an extensive national supply chain formed of SMEs, micro businesses and larger consultancies, ensuring it can service any project or service requirement, anywhere in the UK.
Evolution5 is an approved supplier for CityWest Homes. CityWest Homes is an arms length management organisation (ALMO) set up in 2002 to deliver the Decent Homes Programme within the City of Westminster.
As an approved supplier to CityWest Homes Construction Framework, Evolution5 is proud to be supporting work to provide decent homes for all residents of the City of Westminster.
Drawing on our established track record working within Health Estates, Evolution5 is a member of the London Procurement Partnership dynamic purchasing system. This means that LPP members can engage our services quickly, secure in the knowledge that we have already been approved. By using the LPP, members save the NHS around £2.5m a week whilst still engaging quality suppliers.
In 2017 Evolution5 was successfully appointed to the Brighton & Hove City Coucil Procurement Partnership. This is also open for other PCA’s to use in order to access approved suppliers.
Evolution5 has been a member of the States of Guernsey Property Services Framework since 2013.
Get in touch to find out if your project could be up and running sooner than you might expect.
Call 023 8040 5073 for your free no obligation consultation