There have been many articles and blogs written about the role of the Information Manager under the PAS1192-2:2013. The Construction Industry Council (CIC) has helpfully published an Outline Scope of Services for the Role of Information Manager, yet it remains unclear which member of the Project Team is best suited to fulfil the role and associated responsibilities.
The BIM Task Group advises the Employer against a standalone appointment, except in exceptional circumstances, and suggests that someone within the existing Project Team undertakes the role.
The skill set required of the Information Manager is management based with no design responsibility. There are three key areas of responsibility for the Information Manager as follows:
– Managing the Common Data Environment
– Managing Project Information
– Supporting collaborative working, information exchange and project team management
Why Project Managers?
Project Managers are responsible for governance, which helps make sure a project is delivered according to an agreed set of standards. Governance gives structure to a project and creates accountability, whilst defining responsibilities, communications and reporting. Project Managers are accountable for the success and failure of a project and therefore they carefully plan, execute and close each project.
For BIM to be successfully implemented it needs to be initiated at the beginning of a project. It is understood from early-adopters that trying to introduce BIM upon the appointment of the building contractor is too late. Ascertaining the Employer’s Information Requirements (EIR) and careful planning at the Strategic Definition and Preparation and Brief stages of a project are essential. Ideally this should include managing Project Information in a common data environment from Day 1.
Giving consideration to the skill set held by project management organisations together with the need to structure and initiate a collaborative exchange of information in the early stages of a project; the Employer may find it most beneficial to include the Information Manager role in the Project Manager’s appointment.
Posted by Jamie Barrett
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