Project closeout matters. Let’s look at how to get it right!
Project closeout can be a busy, occasionally chaotic, period. With the project heading to its completion there are many elements all culminating at the same time making it difficult to keep track of what’s complete and what you still need to chase up.
Of course, it’s also around this time that the end user is chomping at the bit to have access to their building. After all, the sooner it’s occupied, the sooner the ROI can be achieved. Meanwhile, contractors and sub-contractors will be pushing to complete their work and get their invoices paid.
It can be a highly pressured time in the project life cycle! So it’s no wonder then that the handover requirements, and everyone’s understanding of them, can sometimes get a bit muddled!
So, having set the scene, what can you do to make sure nothing gets missed and you’re not endlessly chasing your tail to compile all the necessary information in time?
The simple answer is to implement tried and tested management tools from the outset of the project to ensure that a clear and concise log is maintained. There are a number of tools that support effective and efficient project management. One such example would be using a Pre-Handover Checklist in the run up to, and during the closeout process.

As a matter of course every Evolution5 project manager completes a Pre-Handover Checklist. This act as an invaluable prompt to cover all aspects of the process and ensuring that, at any given time, it is clear what is complete, what is outstanding and what needs to happen to achieve successful handover – on time! Ahead of this though, at a pre-determined time the checklist becomes an agenda item on all site progress meetings. This is to ensure that all interested parties are fully aware of what is outstanding and required to achieve Practical Completion.
Broken down into 14 sections, each with a number of detailed sub-sections, a well thought out and detailed Pre-Handover Checklist will make sure that every aspect of the buildings’ completion, from Governance through to Defects and Remedial works, and beyond, is considered, documented and followed up with nothing slipping through the cracks.
To learn more about how professional project managers can support you to achieve your desired project outcomes, call us on 02380 405073