Estate Portfolio data headache?
Here’s how we helped the Co-op
It’s not uncommon for managers of a sizeable estate portfolio to need their all property data updated at the same time. It can be a logistical nightmare and is something that must be approached in a co-ordinated manner, using standardised methods of data capture to ensure consistent information is gathered.
As experts in our field, we were pleased to work with the Co-op on just such a project. Appointed by retail giant the Co-op, Evolution5 was commissioned to carry out a programme of surveys at 387 stores across London and the South in early 2017.
The purpose of the surveys was to allow Co-op to fully understand the size, accessibility and fit-out style of the stores to support the corporate rebranding programme of their estate portfolio and the launch of their revamped membership scheme.
The Evolution5 team was led by London Director, Gary Jacobs, and was a time critical, resource intensive engagement. The Client required all 387 surveys, reports, photographic schedules, analysis and summary report to be completed in five weeks.
The ability to provide an agile and responsive service to meet the needs of the Co-op was fundamental to meeting the project brief and our Client’s expectations. The project was a prime example of how critical time management, careful resource planning and a keen attention to detail delivers a successful outcome.
Managing a team of nine surveyors, and supported by two administrators, the team visited all 387 stores. The data obtained from the surveys will inform the Client of opportunities to improve methods of community engagement, standardise store appearances in line with the new branding, and understand the availability and accessibility of their community rooms and facilities.
The results of the surveys, together with data collected from their other stores nationwide, will allow Co-op to plan and implement the rebranding of their stores. The programme, launched in 2016 will see Co-op return to its former branding and is part of the Board’s commitment to taking the business closer to its’ founding values of adding value within their local communities.
Drawing on its extensive experience of large scale building surveying projects, mobilised, co-ordinated and reported quickly and efficiently, subsequently delivering comprehensive estates data to the Client. During the surveys, there was no disruption to staff or customers within the stores and continued ‘business as usual’.
Whether you are updating estates data for the purposes of general maintenance or as part of a bigger project such as a corporate rebrand, Evolution5 has an experienced and knowledgeable team waiting to help you.
For your free, no obligation consultation email or call Gary Jacobs today on 020 3362 9467