Pre-construction information is a legal requirement for any construction project in the UK as stipulated by CDM (Construction Design and Management) health & safety regulations.
An important working document, the pre-construction information contains details about the health and safety elements of a project.
Pre-construction information is compiled by the client, or on their behalf by an appointed principal designer, and includes any relevant information that can be reasonably obtained in the pre-construction phase. The information is then updated and evolves as the project progresses.
The information must be compiled, provided, and shared with designers and contractors before a construction project can begin and requires the inclusion of particular types of information.
CDM regulations specify that pre-construction information should include an appropriate level of detail and information about three factors: the project; the planning and management of the project; and the health & safety hazards.
The project
Firstly, the pre-construction information should include details about the project itself. This may include:
- Client brief.
- Description of the project.
- Description of the project’s purpose, goals, and objectives.
- Key dates and project timeline.
- Project location and site boundaries.
- Site information including conditions, characteristics, topography, and existing structures.
- Any relevant existing records, surveys, plans, and reports.
- Legal requirements such as regulations, restrictions, and other legal considerations that need to be adhered to during construction.
Planning and management
Secondly, the pre-construction information should include details about the planning and management of the project, including:
- Outline of how the project will be managed.
- Roles and responsibilities of the project team and their contact details, including the client, principal designer, and other consultants and contractors.
- Identification of key stakeholders.
- Overview of how resources will be allocated.
- Information about communication channels including how health & safety information can be accessed at any time.
- Site security.
- Site transport, logistics, and access.
- Emergency procedures.
Health and safety hazards
Thirdly, the pre-construction information should include details about health & safety hazards, including design and construction hazards. This ensures that everyone involved with the project is aware of potential hazards at the earliest opportunity and any risks can be mitigated.
Health & safety hazards for inclusion in the pre-construction information may include:
- Health hazards such as contaminated land, asbestos, or hazardous materials.
Safety hazards such as ground conditions, existing structures, overhead or underground obstructions, or service locations.
- Design hazards such as unusual design elements requiring special construction considerations.
- Construction hazards such as materials requiring particular precautions, or use of onsite equipment.
Related to the health & safety hazards, the pre-construction information should also include relevant information from any previous existing Health & Safety File.
How Evolution5 can help
The client has the primary responsibility to provide the pre-construction information for the project, but on construction projects with more than one trade contractor, the client must appoint a principal designer to assist the client in line with CDM regulations.
Evolution5 is a professional consultancy offering principal designer, project management, health & safety, and CDM15 compliance for projects across London and the South East.
When you appoint us to act as the principal designer we plan, manage, monitor, and coordinate all pre-construction activities on your behalf. This ensures that you comply with your obligations under the CDM regulations and that the health & safety of your project is well managed with all risks monitored and controlled.
We specialise in preparing pre-construction information which we collate and present using tried and tested industry-approved processes.
If you have a construction project and would like to explore how the team can help you, click the button below or call 023 8040 5073.